Compete In The 2/27 WTA Aqueduct FREEROLL Tournament

Welcome to the 2/27 "Winners Take All" Aqueduct FREEROLL qualifier tournament. Competition is FREE for all account holders - please scroll down, and enter your account number and applicable information to compete!
The 1st-2nd place finishers will receive a paid entry to the upcoming GUARANTEED $1,250 PAYDAY tournament! Click HERE for rules and regulations, all tournament players will have a $50 mythical contest bankroll with which they can place W/P/S and exacta entries, no mandatory races, no minimum/maximum wager amount- NO HOLDS BARRED. Once registered, players will receive an email with their status as cleared to compete. ALL players that enter a live tournament entry in all WTA tournament races will receive a $50 bonus to their final tally!
Registration for this tournament closes at 10am on 2/27 - at that point competition will begin within the hour. Players have up until 0 MTP to enter or cancel contest selections in applicable races, scratched selections will inherit the post time favorite. All participating horse players MUST have a valid account, and MUST have wagering through their account on the same day of this contest to qualify for prizes. Please email with any questions or concerns.